Santa Clara,

Samurdhi Karunaratne


Senior Software Engineer at NVIDIA. ECE grad from UCLA and CE grad from University of Peradeniya. Former competitive programmer and physics olympian.

Welcome to my web page! I had fun designing it.

You can find out about my education, awards and also about my travel, poetry, sports interests and a little bit of everything else strewn across this page. Enjoy!

Take a look at my CV for a summary


January, 2022
I joined NVIDIA as an engineer working on the TensorRT Deep Learning inference optimizer
December, 2021
I received my MS in ECE from UCLA
September, 2019
I moved to Los Angeles, CA and started grad school at UCLA, working under Prof. Danijelca Cabric at the CORES Lab.
February, 2019
I graduated with a B.Sc. (First Class Honors) from the Dept. of Computer Engineering, University of Peradeniya, top of my class



Wisig: A large-scale wifi signal dataset for receiver and channel agnostic rf fingerprinting
IEEE Access
Hanna S., Karunaratne S., and Cabric, D.
Open Set Wireless Transmitter Authorization: Deep Learning Approaches and Dataset Considerations
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Comm. & Networking
Hanna S., Karunaratne S., and Cabric, D.
An Overview of Machine Learning Applications in Wireless Mesh Networks
IEEE Communications Magazine, April 2019
Karunaratne S. and Gacanin H.
Self-optimization of Wireless Systems with Knowledge Management: An Artificial Intelligence Approach
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2019
Gacanin,H., Perenda,E., Karunaratne,S. and Atawia,R.


Real-time wireless transmitter authorization: adapting to dynamic authorized sets with information retrieval
Karunaratne S., Hanna S., and Cabric, D.
Penetrating RF fingerprinting-based authentication with a generative adversarial attack
IEEE International Conference on Communications 2021
Karunaratne S., Krijestorac E., and Cabric, D.
Open Set RF Fingerprinting using Generative Outlier Augmentation
IEEE Glebecom 2021
Karunaratne S., Hanna S., and Cabric, D.
Penetrating RF Fingerprinting-based Authentication with a Generative Adversarial Attack
Karunaratne S., Krijestorac E., and Cabric, D.
Artificial Intelligence Driven Optimization of Channel and Location in Wireless Networks
IEEE Globecom 2018: MLCOMM, December 2018
Karunaratne S., Perenda E., Atawia R. and Gacanin H.
Deep Learning Approaches for Open Set Wireless Transmitter Authorization
IEEE SPAWC 2020, May 2020
Hanna S., Karunaratne S., and Cabric, D.


Artificial Intelligence Driven Optimization of Channel and Location in Wireless Networks

IEEE Globecom 2018: Workshop on Machine Learning for Communications

I did my first paper presentation at Globecom 2018. Check out the slides below (please view in Powerpoint).
December 2018
Abu Dhabi, UAE

Personal Projects

Acceleration of Face Detection using GPGPUs
Developing a parallelized real-time face detection algorithm that runs on CUDA enabled GPGPUs

SiRA — Simple Reply Automation
Android app with capabilities for smart automated text replies.

An ultra low cost smartwatch which works with Android/iOS.


My research interest is in the intersection of artificial intelligence, wireless networks and optimization algorithms.

Most of my work was done at an internship at Bell Labs, Antwerp under my supervisor Prof. Haris Gacanin (now at RWTH Aachen). Currently, I'm doing my research at the CORES lab at UCLA under Prof. Danijela Cabric.


Optimizing a Wireless Network that Comprises Range Extenders
EPO App. Number: EP20181741372
Karunaratne S. and Gacanin H.
Optimizing a Wi-Fi Network Comprising Multiple Range Extenders and Associated Devices
EPO App. Number: EP20181834755
Karunaratne S. and Gacanin H.
CV Google
Poetry LinkedIn


I co-founded Fugex Technologies (Pvt) Ltd. during my final year of college to support my ventures, and Eventscope.

Physics olympiad

After getting a gold medal at the Sri Lankan Physics Olympiad competition in 2013, I got the opportunity to represent Sri Lanka at the 15th Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) in 2014.

There, I secured a silver medal, a first for my country in that competition's history. Then I went on to win another silver medal at the 45th International Physics Olympiad (IPhO), missing the gold by just 0.9 points. After that, I volunteered for a short time as an instructor at the Sri Lankan Physics Olympiad training program. Read more of my and Sri Lanka's story below.

My Olympiad Story


University of California, Los Angeles (2019-2021)
M.S in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cognitive Reconfigurable Embedded Systems Lab (CORES)
Current MS Program GPA: 3.93/4.00
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (2015-2019)
B.Sc. Computer Engineering
First Class Honors
GPA: 4.00/4.00


Bell Labs, Antwerp (2017 Nov-2018 Apr)
Research Intern
Supervisor: Haris Gacanin

Competitive programming

I formed Team biteCode in 2015, and for close to two years, engaged in the arena of competitive programming as a pastime.

Our team won the ACES Coders v6.0 competition and the IEEEXtreme 10.0 (Sri Lanka section), very much becoming the best team in Sri Lanka, unbeaten to this date.

Although I have been retired for some time now, the team has continued it's dominance without me. You can follow our expoits below.

My Hackerrank Team biteCode

Open source

I have contributed to the Eclipse IDE and pdf.js by Mozilla.

I've also published a few of my own software and web projects including a Fractal Generator and a Cricket Scoreboard on Github.

My Github projects

I prefer you contact me at my email address

Or you could reach me at my social media accounts
